Astrology Blog

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Gemstone astrology

Throughout the ages, the gemstones have been seen as representations of wealth and power. Symbols of supremacy like crowns and richly decorated clothes and robes have traditionally been adorned with jewels. But gemstones are not just for the wealthy or scientifically minded researcher. But these can be appreciated by common man also just to enjoy the beauty of these gems. 

The gemstones appeal initially due to their mysterious appeal, luster and their color. This makes them exquisite but their rarity, hardness and durability makes them doubly valuable. Gemstones are minerals. Out of a total of more than 2500 different minerals, only about 60 odd are commonly used as gemstones. Other minerals are unsuitable as gems because they are too soft and get scratched easily.

Prescribing a gemstone to ward off any planetary afflictions in a birth chart of any person is a very delicate procedure. The prescription of a gem depends largely on the astrologer's keen observation and intuition. The stone must be matching the qualities of the person. The stone must 'arouse' the qualities that a person needs to become success. We must find out which gems will boost the wearer's luck and prosperity and prescribe accordingly. The remedy must play down the bad qualities of the person while enhancing good ones. 

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