Astrology Blog

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What is astrology?

The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an impact on person’s works and natural world.

Astrologer or Jyotish is a traditional hindu system of astrology, a hindu lord name shanidev worshipped by Indian people. Lord shani prevents all circumstances which occurs during success, education, marriage or other problems.

Our future determines by our deeds and actions. If we do hardwork, we will get success in the desired event. If we are hardworking regularly and don’t get success in continue way then a question arises why we fail.

The failure of desired event depends on luck. Luck is major factor determines your success or not.
Air is very important for our survival. Can we see it? No, we cannot see it but it exists. We can feel effect of air on our body and environment as in same manner is astrology. Astrology’s existence we cannot see it but can feel its effect on our day to day life activities.

Astrology is an ancient tradition which says that the character and destiny of human depend on position of stars at the moment of birth. People also trust that astrology allows meaningful and practical changes of every individual in order to improve the quality of life.

Astrology supports the existence of free will and rejects superstition and fatalism. It also allows us a more objective of our talents and potentials, and an opportunity for emotional and spiritual maturation.

Lots of people look at astrology is a source of guidance to live a happy and successful life. The planet’s position at a time of our birth helps us in identifying the weak or strong areas of our life. It can help us to understand better the events of past. Besides helping in avoiding the strains in marital relationships, business and professional matters, it also helps s in enjoying good health, prosperity and spiritual advancement. By astrology we can discover what qualities we seek in a partner and how to overcome any disagreement, because we will have a better understanding in different personalities.
Astrology supports you in various tasks. Kundli can indicates damaging behavioral patterns or forewarn you of upcoming challenges. Astrologer advice can help you pinpoints latent talents you may possess and give you specific hints on how to best develop them.

Best astrologer can also point out expansive, rewarding trends that are coming up and assist you in figuring out how to take benefit of them before they fade. Finally, vedic astrologer tells you the perfect timing of certain deeds. Let an example when a person having a gun if he fire on the correct time he will achieve the target.  If he miss the target he, No target will achieve and efforts for fire go in vain. Here to achieve a target which factor is responsible? i.e. Time is  a factor responsible for fail to achieve target.
Astrology services are that it will support you to always be in complete control on your life. Astrology advice is not only fortune telling: but indication that we have a free will.

 Indian Astrology is a tool as guidance forewarned is fore-armed. You can make wiser decision on various aspects of our life and do better planning. The purpose of astrology is not binding you with superstition, but you can equip yourself with better planning for future events and circumstances and also about your personality and how to correct personality issues.

Astrology means superstition concept came into existence because of corrupted saints or astrologer they professionally are not astrologer but to fulfill their demands of money, they use the name astrologers and secondly interpretation of astrology advice by the people is not correct. For example If astrologer said you that are chances of accident, it does not mean you sit at home and not go anywhere.

Sitting at home also twist your ankle and break it. But, if you drive a car, you can get your car serviced for any problems, drive carefully. Sitting at home do not guided by the astrologer but it is the interpretation of people due to astrological advice. All blame goes to astrologer which is not right.
Astrology is not a future telling machine it just provides you indication depending on the relations between the stars and person with vision of an astrologer. Do you know? Why tides/ocean currents occurs in oceans because of the gravitational force between them the moon and oceans. We are unable to see this force but can feel its effects. Sun, moon and celestial bodies not only affect oceans it also effect the life of a person and have capacity to change the life.

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