Astrology Blog

Lal kitab remedies for Love

Vedic Astrology

Lal Kitab Remedies

Saturday 4 November 2017

Are you Compatible to your Child?

Parenting is a feeling no words can describe, and like it is said, “Nobody Loves a Child More Than His/her Mother”. But often, parenting becomes a challenge. You have to struggle so much to understand your child, to talk to them. While this can be due to many reasons, once such reason can be Incompatibility, if you are not compatible to your child, you will always have issues with each other. Yes, your Zodiac Sign affects your relationship with your child.
Let us tell the secrets of babies and how you can improve your compatibility.


If your child is Aries, then be aware that he is going to have a dynamic personality. They are strong headed and their relationships with parents is like wind, if things happen how they want they will be happy & if opposite happens then expect a stormy relationship.

Most Compatible Signs- Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini


Taurus babies are sensitive and filled love. Just show them extra love & care and you will become their best friends.  Do not force anything; if they are comfortable with you they will share everything with you by themselves.
Most Compatible Signs- Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn


Gemini babies can get extremely stubborn& cranky, if restrictions are imposed on them. They are lively and extroverts & their freedom is everything for them. While parenting Gemini, it is important that you give them a lot of space.

Most Compatible Signs- Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius


Cancer kids are independent from the start and love to eat. Cancerian children can be moody and are happiest when praised. They love to express their feelings through hugs and gestures. Parenting a cancer child means you have to be expressive enough to let them know you are there for them all the time.

Most Compatible Signs- Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces


Always juggling between things, Leo Babies are filled with lots of energy. They can be rude & sensitivity is their weakness; and if you don’t want hurt them then just don’t lie. They are brave, generous and need attention all the time.
Most Compatible Signs- Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries


Quick learners, great entertainers but shy, Virgo Children do the unexpected things all the time. They don’t like being intimidated or forced by anyone. You have to put a little more effort for their comfort or you might raise a stubborn and angry child.

Most Compatible Signs- Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces


Libra Children are born leaders, who can get everything done with their charm. These babies know sophistication and discipline &do not like to be demeaned, or belittled. They want to be on the top and parents are advised to support them to achieve their aims.

Most Compatible Signs- Aries, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini


These stubborn children don’t like to be tamed. They are powerful & smart. Their curiosity separates them from the crowd. Scorpio kids love challenges and as a mother you need to assure them that they are on the right path.

Most Compatible Signs- Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo


Sagittarians love space & freedom, so don’t hold them back. They are introverts but can put up a play to be social in front of people. As a parent you constantly have to encourage them to take up challenges and never try to tame them. If you stop them they will rebel.

Most Compatible Signs- Aries, Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Gemini


Never ever ignore your Capricorn baby. You have to appreciate them all the time, as a little ignorance can disappoint them. They like individuals who are honest and caring. It’s fine if your baby is clingy & moody.

Most Compatible Signs- Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio


These cute bunches of happiness are always lively. Aquarians are creative and always on a lookout for more fun opportunities. They don’t take “no” for an answer and if you force them to do something they are not comfortable with, they will shut you down.

Most Compatible Signs- Leo, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini


Cutest babies of the lot are great influencers. They know how to get their work done, so when he/she makes a cute face, know that you are in for a great trouble. You have to pull them out from their dreamy world and show them the harsh reality of this not so kind world.
Most Compatible Signs- Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus

A child and mother’s relationship is the precious and with little more knowledge you can avoid even those small fights of everyday. 

Vedic Astrology

Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept that energy patterns form between other planets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities.

An alligators chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the relationship between the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.

Vedic Astrology or Jyotish is not a mere science but can rather be called, Universal Science since it means the principles or mechanism on which the total creation is going on. It is a super way to know and understand our karma and live a method

Vedic astrology is one of the oldest forms of astrology. It evolved over 5,000 years ago and is based on a body of knowledge known as the 'Vedas,' which translates to 'knowledge' or 'wisdom,' and is referred to as Jyotish -- the ‘light of the heavenly bodies’. Today, Vedic astrology is acknowledged as one of the most powerful forms of astrology in practice and is followed by millions around the world.

Jyotish literally means the "Science of Light" and  "Jyotishi" or skilled practitioners of this cosmic science intuitively know that by considering the state of the planetary alignments when and where an event occurs they can understand its nature and then prepare the appropriate response.

Jyotish is also related with the religious, psychological and physical spirit of vedicsanathan dharma, Yoga and Ayurveda.

Time is the greatest force controlling the universe for all things originate through time. All matter is in a state of either creation, preservation or destruction. In ancient times the Gods were seen to be personifications of the movement of time.

To the ancient seers the Gods were the planets which reflect the light that controls the energy of time through our solar system. The planets instigate the power of the divine intelligence or God. To understand the energies of the planets is to understand the language of God and the very forces that influence us throughout life.

As the controllers of time, the planets are also the controllers of karma or destiny. They show the planetary energies we are influenced by and the level on which they are taking place. Everything that is born must eventually die we all know, but Jyotish helps us to understand the tiny area of time in between birth and death that is our life.

Jyotish can be used to examine all domains of life. From it we can learn about our Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, our body and mind, our material, mental and spiritual manifestation. It shows the entire structure of energies through which we must act.

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Astrology Consultation

Analyzing Vedic Horoscope gives out impact of the planets on a particular aspect of human lives and their intensity. Vedic Astrology also presents impacts of different houses of the Vedic horoscope to endow with accurate forecasts about the aspects related to that specific house in horoscope.

All these Vedic Astrology calculations through a Vedic horoscope are executed by taking into account the date, place and time of the individual seeking help. Events get decided for an individual only on the basis of these data that further used through Vedic Horoscope for results. Our Vedic astrology services are meant to predict whatever the events you are supposed to go through, either in the past, present or will witness, as per your Vedic horoscope calculations.

Vedic astrology follows the Vedas, thus bound to pursue the planets and their configurations for better life ahead. The Vedas are revered immensely by Indians and thus the people have full faith in the Vedic astrology. The instructions of Vedic astrology are followed in every human aspect in Indian society and even rituals, marriages, festivals etc are celebrated accordingly.

You can consult our expert astrologer to get their valuable advice on remedial measures to control the malefic influence of planets to minimise the obstacles in your life and to know most suitable and effective Gemstone and Rudraksha for you, your question and problems may relate to :-

1)    Career problems: If you have good qualification still not getting good job
2)    Education problems: Students who work very hard still don't get good marks in results
3)    Marriage delays: Hurdles in getting marriage fixed
4)    Family problems: Dispute in family
5)    Health related problems: Always having some Health trouble
6)    Love problems: Not getting success in love or love marriage
7)    Financial problems: Not able to earn or save enough money or too much loans,debts etc.
8)    Match-making:  Do kundali-milaan to know if the person is right life partner for you

You can request for personal consultancy session for yourself / your family members / friends etc. , we offer Vedic Astrology Consultancy sessions either by meeting or over phone, we do not support any type of internet chatting . To consult us on phone is possible only by fixed prior appointment.

One Vedic Astrology session includes maximum of two questions that may relate to your problems / situation, we need 1- 2 days to analyze your birth chart in detail. The output of the session will provide you guidelines, corrective measures, Effective Gemstone suggestion & other Remedies. 

For More Details call +91-9334359213 

Lal kitab remedies for Love

Lal kitab remedies for Love Marriage

Mantras are ancient incantations, Vedic hymns or spells that use the power of spoken word to alter destiny or change the outcomes of fixed events. Such Mantras were mostly used by priests and Brahmins in the olden days for worship and paying obeisance to the Gods up above, especially while taking on important tasks. These are highly useful and effective when practiced in the right manner and without any variations in the manner of its chanting from day to day. You are bound to achieve your desired goal when this is one right.

Love Marriage Vashikaran Mantra to Agree Parents for Intercaste Marriage

This particular mantra is said to be highly powerful, and effective for the purpose of carrying out a love marriage without any problems.  People who are not able to marry their love due to resistance at home, and those who are unable to find the right person to spend the rest of their lives with can use this mantra for great results.  The Vashikaran Mantra is of great help to convince all the folks at home regarding your choice of life partner. It will also help you to attract man or woman of your dreams and help live a long and happy marital life together with them. This means that women will no longer be spinsters and men bachelors, since they can get married at the right age using this Mantra.

This is a freely available Mantra but you will need an experienced Astrologer to use it for maximum effectiveness. For other Mantras, Upayas and stotras with higher effectiveness used to increase your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s love you can get in touch in with us. Astro Tips for Love marriage are highly effective in the current day and age and the Vishnu Vashikaran Mantra is one such fine example of the same. The Ganesh Mantra also helps to do the same serving as a part of Love Marriage Remedies.

This mantra should be chanted for a particular number of times every day. Contact us to get further details.

Given below is a list of useful mantras:

Lord Shiva Mantra for Love Marriage Success
Krishna Mantra for Love Marriage
Parvati Mantra For love Marriage
Ganesh Mantra for Love Marriage
The Mantras given above helps one to get married to the person they desire above all.  This ensures 100% results if executed properly.  You can also use these mantras to convince your parents to agree to your getting married to someone of your choice.

Love Marriage Mantra to Make Your Lover as Husband

This particular lal kitab remedy for people is meant to making the person of your liking, desire you. This is a love marriage mantra which can be begun on any day of the week and has to be religiously practiced by one person in the couple that is interested to make the couple work as a whole. You are meant to chant this Mantra a fixed number of times to get the desired results. Please contact us for further details.

Lal Kitab Remedies

Lal-Kitab was originally from Persia, published in urdu language without the element of punctuation and sounds. Lal-Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in any way to anyone concerned.

Lal-Kitab remedies are cheap and within the reach of the common man and are infallible. Lal-Kitab has also explained the science of palmistry in such comportment that each of the 42 divisions of the human brain has been related to the different houses of a man's birth chart in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain reflects accurately on the lines of the palm.

After analysing the horoscope in accordance with Lal-Kitab, of an individual, suggest unique remedial measures, to solve chronic and critical human problems in day to day life. It tries to suggest instant effective remedies in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies to be completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in any way to anyone concerned.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

What is Astrology?

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of the cycles of movement of the Sun, Moon, and Planets. From Egypt and Babylonia through Ancient Greece, to modern day, Astrology has been used to gain a better understanding of how mankind in general, and people as individuals fit into the Universal Cosmos.

What is the difference between an Astrological Sign and a Horoscope?

An Astrological sign is determined by the Sun's position at the time of birth. A Horoscope is a map of the heavens, showing the exact position of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, calculated using the exact date, hour and location of birth. Horoscope can provide insight into an individual's personality traits.

How do the Horoscopes that I read in the Newspaper or Magazines fit into this all?

Strictly speaking, newspaper and magazine Astrology columns practice "Sun Sign Astrology." Each individual has a completely unique birth chart, and each individual will respond to that chart, in his or her own way because we all have free will and ultimately can determine and choose what we make of our lives.

What is an Astrological Forecast?

The relationships or aspects between the planets in a Horoscope influence an individual's nature and temperament over a lifetime. In the same way, as the planets appear to cycle or planets in an individual's Horoscope influence day to day life.

What is a Rising Sign and why is it important?

The Rising Sign or Ascendant is the sign that is on the eastern horizon at the exact time of birth. It is also the sign that rules the first house of a person's chart. The birth time of the individual, and each house represents a basic field of activity. The meanings of the houses are modified when they are occupied by a planet. The rotation of the Earth causes the signs and the planets to pass through all twelve houses each day, one approximately every two hours.

Cat's eye Stone

The Cat's Eye having a yellowish radiance and a white band belongs to the superior class of such gemstones. The stones having a depression, spots, mica mixed, having a web, or which are dull, are treated as defective and should be avoided for remedial purpose. Wearing of a Cat's Eye gives happiness in the matter of children and makes the wearer wealthy. It is a restorer of lost wealth. Cat's Eye is a quick acting gemstone and should always be worn after a trial. A blemished stone proves harmful. The stone with spots causes trouble from enemies and that with depression creates stomach disorders. The dull stone is bad for health. A Cracked gemstone gives injuries. The stone with a black dot or spot is likely to prove fatal to the wearer.

Who Should Wear Cat's Eye?

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy nodes and do not own any signs in the zodiac. Rahu and ketu give the results of the lords of the bhavas or houses they occupy. Therefore, if Rahu and Ketu occupy a bhava (house), the lord of which is an auspicious planet in a birth chart and is well placed in it, Rahu and Ketu will give better results of that particular planet. In such circumstances it will be beneficial for the native to wear a Gomedha for Rahu or Cat's eye for Ketu in their major and sub-periods. Reader can send their birth details.

Gomedha Stone

The gemstone that is transparent, of fine and good color, soft in touch and gives luster and radiance, is considered a stone of good quality and auspicious gomedha. The gemstone having a light blackish hue, without radiance, rough, flat, full of layers and which looks like a yellow piece of glass, is a stone of average quality and is not considered auspicious. Wearing of an unblemished Gomedha ensures the native safety and protection from deadliest of enemies. Gomedha bestows health, wealth and prosperity to its owner. A blemished gemstone is harmful for the wearer. The red colored gomedha is injurious to health and one having a mixture of mica is destroyer of wealth.

Who Should Wear Gomedha?

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy nodes and do not own any signs in the zodiac. Rahu and ketu give the results of the lords of the bhavas or houses they occupy. Therefore, if Rahu and Ketu occupy a bhava (house), the lord of which is an auspicious planet in a birth chart and is well placed in it, Rahu and Ketu will give better results of that particular planet. In such circumstances it will be beneficial for the native to wear a Gomedha for Rahu or Cat's eye for Ketu in their major and sub-periods.

Ruby Stone

Ruby belongs to the category of the costly gemstones. It is a red colored gemstone. Wearer of the unblemished ruby enjoys wealth and property and is blessed with children. He becomes fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society. 

Qualities of Ruby:

1. The Ruby, which sprays out red rays in the sunlight, is considered a superior quality gemstone. 

2. Ruby glowing in darkness is considered to be of a superior quality. 3. Any Ruby when rubbed on a stone and the stone shows signs of rubbing and also the Ruby does not lose its weight, it is considered to be of a superior quality. 

Flaws of Ruby:

Following are the blemishes that may be found in a Ruby:

1. It may be silky. 2. It may be dull, that is devoid of brilliance and luster. 3. It may display an ambiguity of colors. 4. It may be brittle or with cracks. 5. There may be lack of water in it. 6. There may be some cracks in its texture. 7. The ruby may be smoky. 8. The ruby may be dirty or filthy. 9. It may have some on its surface.

Coral Stone

The wearing of a Red Coral (Moonga) makes the native courageous and a conqueror of his enemies. It is believed that the genuine Red Coral warns the wearer of coming ill health by changing its color. The Red Coral prevents from bad dreams and nightmares. It protects the wearer from evil spirits. A good and auspicious Coral possesses the following merits: 

It is of an opaque red pigment of cinnabar or the Bimb" fruit. It is perfect. It is perfectly round or oval. It is very regular in shape. It is without any hole. It is smooth.

Flaws of Coral:

     1. There may be a black or white spot in the composition.
     2. There may be a crack on the surface on in the body.
     3. There may be more than one shades of color in the same piece.
     4. There may be a depression, bend or twist on the surface.

Who Should Wear Red Coral?

Red coral is the gemstone of Mars (Mangal). A person in whose birth chart Mars is lord of an auspicious house should wear coral. If Mars is lord of the inauspicious house in a birth chart, it will be harmful for the native to wear Red Coral.
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