Astrology Blog

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Ruby Stone

Ruby belongs to the category of the costly gemstones. It is a red colored gemstone. Wearer of the unblemished ruby enjoys wealth and property and is blessed with children. He becomes fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society. 

Qualities of Ruby:

1. The Ruby, which sprays out red rays in the sunlight, is considered a superior quality gemstone. 

2. Ruby glowing in darkness is considered to be of a superior quality. 3. Any Ruby when rubbed on a stone and the stone shows signs of rubbing and also the Ruby does not lose its weight, it is considered to be of a superior quality. 

Flaws of Ruby:

Following are the blemishes that may be found in a Ruby:

1. It may be silky. 2. It may be dull, that is devoid of brilliance and luster. 3. It may display an ambiguity of colors. 4. It may be brittle or with cracks. 5. There may be lack of water in it. 6. There may be some cracks in its texture. 7. The ruby may be smoky. 8. The ruby may be dirty or filthy. 9. It may have some on its surface.

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1 comment :

  1. Nice Blog Thanks for sharing.Gemstones are really nature's wonder and they have a very positive effect both on health and life as well provided that the right gemstone for a person should be exactly identified based on his birth time, astrology & horoscope etc.
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